show mirror

show mirror [mirror_name | control_index | mirror_name_li] | [all | enabled]


Displays various show output for mirror instances.

Syntax Description

mirror_name Displays the mirror name.
mirror_name_li Displays mirror instance name for Lawful Intercept account only. You must have lawful intercept user privileges to specify this variable.
all Displays all mirror instances.
enabled Displays only enabled mirror instances.
control_index Selects the particular mirror MIB instance, as defined by a control index (1–4), to show information about.



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display mirror statistics and determine if mirroring is enabled or disabled on the switch.

For mirror instances to remote IP addresses, one the following statuses appears:
  • Disabled—User has disabled the mirror instance.
  • Down. No route—No route is available to reach the remote IP address.
  • Down. IP forwarding not enabled on VLAN to route—Route is available to reach the remote IP address, but egress VLAN does not have IP forwarding enabled (see enable ipforwarding).
  • Down. Ping timed out—Route is available, IP address forwarding is enabled on the egress VLAN, but ping check is “on” and a timely ping response from the remote IP address was not received during three consecutive ping requests, sent every five seconds.
  • Up. Active—Remote IP address is reachable and ARP entry is resolved. Ping health check is either “off”, or is “on” and a timely ping response has been received. The status is “Up. Active” for the remote IP address in “Up” state with the highest configured priority, and therefore is sent mirrored packets.
  • Up. Standby—Remote IP address is reachable and ARP entry is resolved. Ping health check is either “off”, or is “on” and a timely ping response has been received. Status is “Up. Standby” for remote IP addresses in “Up” state, but whose configured priority is below the priority of the remote IP address that is “Up. Active”.


The mirror instance for a remote IP address is only installed in hardware if the status is “Up.Active”.


The following command displays switch mirroring information:

# show mirror
DefaultMirror   (Disabled)    Description:    Default Mirror Instance, created automatically
    Mirror to port: -
PolicyMirror-1003   (Enabled)
    Mirror Destination Indices: 1 - Enabled
    Mirror to port: 3
TunMir   (Enabled)
    Mirror Destination Indices: 3 - Enabled
    Mirror to remote IP:     VR        : VR-Default
    From IP            :     Ping check: On
    Status             : Up
Mirrors defined:          3
Mirrors enabled:          2 (Maximum 4)
HW filter instances used: 0 (Maximum 128)
HW mirror instances used: 0 ingress, 0 egress (Maximum 4 total, 2 egress)
Remote IP protocol type:  Trans Ether Bridging (0x6558)

Destination Control Index 1: Enabled (Active)
Destination Control Index 3: Enabled (Active)

The following example displays output for a lawful intercept user session:

* show mirror       
DefaultMirror   (Disabled)       
    Description:    Default Mirror Instance, created automatically       
    Mirror to port: -       

law_mirror   (Enabled)       
    Description:    user for lawful intercept       
    Mirror to port: 3       
    Source filter instances used :  2           
        Port 7, all vlans, ingress only           
        Port 8, all vlans, ingress only       

main_mirror   (Enabled)       
        Mirror instance for Admin       
        Mirror to port: 2       
        Source filter instances used :  1           
        Port 10, all vlans, ingress only       

Mirrors defined:          3   
Mirrors enabled:          2 (0 with egress filters)   
HW filter instances used: 3 (Maximum 128)
Remote IP protocol type:  ERSPAN v1 (0x88BE)

The following example shows mirroring to remote IP addresses:

# show mirror
analytics_chicago_1   (Enabled)
    Mirror to remote IP:            VR        : VR-Default
    From IP            : Auto source IP     Ping check: On
    Priority           : 50
    Status             : Up. Active

    Mirror to remote IP:            VR        : VR-Default
    From IP            : Auto source IP     Ping check: On
    Priority           : 40
    Status             : Up. Standby

    Mirror to remote IP:            VR        : VR-Default
    From IP            : Auto source IP     Ping check: On
    Priority           : 30
    Status             : Down. Ping timed out

    Mirror to remote IP:            VR        : VR-Default
    From IP            : Auto source IP     Ping check: On
    Priority           : 20
    Status             : Up. Standby
    Source filter instances used :  1
        All ports, vlan v1, ingress only
analytics_seattle_2   (Enabled)
    Mirror to remote IP:            VR        : VR-Default
    From IP            :           Ping check: Off
    Priority           : 50
    Status             : Down. No route
    Source filter instances used :  1
        Port 2, vlan v2, ingress only
bldg_1_sniffer   (Enabled)
    Mirror to port: 5
    Source filter instances used :  1
        All ports, vlan v3, ingress only
DefaultMirror   (Disabled)
    Description:    Default Mirror Instance, created automatically
    Mirror to port: -
Mirrors defined:          4
Mirrors enabled:          3 (Maximum 4)
HW filter instances used: 3 (Maximum 128)
HW mirror instances used: 3 ingress, 0 egress (Maximum 4 total, 2 egress)
Remote IP protocol type:  ERSPAN v1 (0x88BE)

The following example shows information about Mirror MIB instance for control index "1":

# show mirror 1
Destination Control Index 1: Enabled (Active)


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 15.3.

The mirror_name_li variable was added in ExtremeXOS 15.3.2.

Mirroring to remote IP addresses information was added in ExtremeXOS 22.4.

Mirror MIB instance (control index) information for policy-based mirrors was added in ExtremeXOS 30.2.

Redundant remote IP address information was added in ExtremeXOS 30.4.

GRE protocol type for mirror-to-remote IP addresses was added in ExtremeXOS 30.5.

Platform Availability

This command is available on all Universal switches supported in this document.